Hello Everyone...

Earlier today I sent a message to the FlexRadio list with the subject
"Am I Missing Something? ..." which started an avalanche of "replies".
It involved my frustration at trying to get the latest alpha version of
PowerSDR from the SVN site running.

I found the problem later this afternoon.  The problem is that the
"Release" folder (from SVN) does not contain two dll files from
Microsoft that have been in the past included in the installation of
previous betas and releases.  Copying those two files into the alpha
folder allowed PowerSDR to work.

I would like to emphasize that stuff like this needs to be documented
somewhere so that others don't run into the same problem.

It was not my intention to start a big debate over the merits of
Subversion.  It is a neat program/system.  The URL that Chris mentioned
to just download the releases would have helped me and I'm sure that tip
will help others save on downloading time if they are not interested in
source files.

While I've got the floor, I'd like to try to clear up a misconception
that I had and I think that others had too.  Gerald has NOW made it
clear (I think) that Betas will continue to be posted on the website.
THIS IS NOT WHAT I HAD UNDERSTOOD from previous very recent postings on
the FlexRadio reflector, to wit:

> We are done FOREVER with releasing alpha and beta level 
> code via the web interface.
--Robert McGwier rwmcgwier at comcast.net
Fri Apr 14 06:28:27 CDT 2006

> As such, there will 
> be no more Beta (or what should have been called alpha) releases done on 
> the web site. 
--Robert McGwier rwmcgwier at comcast.net
Sat Apr 15 12:46:30 CDT 2006

I hope, Gerald, you see why there are some bad thoughts and confusion on
this reflector.  I was under the impression that only official releases
(such as 1.4.4 and 1.6.0) would be placed on the website for download;
your latest postings indicate otherwise.

Editorial (soapbox) comment: my posting this morning indicated I had
problems.  I felt it fell in that gray zone between cockpit problems and
bugs and that I might get advice and help from this list and was not a
candidate for the buglist.  I was WRONG!  Not a single one of the
replies (counted 19 so far) addressed the problem I was having.  Instead
it veered off into off-topic stuff which was of no help to the original
poster who had a problem.  So much for help from those more experienced
that I.  That has not been the case in the past on this list, and I
certainly hope it is not the trend.

Don AE5K

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