THANK YOU BILL for reminding me about this. I hope you will not mind me sharing my answer with the entire group because it is yet one more oversight. I am feeling pretty dumb about my "it is just 1-2-3" without explanation.

This is perfectly normal. You can make all of the changes you want to make but if you make those changes in the same folder as the download repository, because this is a version control system, it is going to mark those versions of your .dll as "changed from the repository" with a red exclamation point. If you and/or any others are going to be making changes to the source (I HOPE YOU WILL) and recompiling, you should not check out the binary folder because this will cause a conflict the next time you do an svn update. svn may try to reconcile the differences but it will most likely force you to delete your binary files in favor of ours. The best deal, if you are compiling, do not check out the release directory since you do not need it because you are compiling!


Bill Nagle wrote:
Hi Bob:
Got a problem with the visual studio compiler and the svn files.
Ever since you restructured the svn and supply the compiled code in the trunk folder, when i go to compile in my usual way from the source folder, i get the red exclamation marks on the newly compiled dll's . Is there a change perhaps you forgot when you redid things last week, like the sln file?

Bill Nagle

AMSAT VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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