On 04/18/2006 06:24 PM, Brian Sherrod wrote:
> Do I need to login using "cvs login" first?  I've tried that, however it asks 
> for a password which I thought would be anoncvs which doesn't appear to work. 

As password, just press return.

> I've tried to follow the instructions at:
> http://dttsp.sourceforge.net/cvs.html

Sourceforge have problems with cvs access at the moment. See
http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=2352&group_id=1 for
some more information about that. Hopefully they will get it going soon...

When you get the code, do the modifications mentioned at
http://microsat.homelinux.org/dttsp/ ("Fixes required for dttsp")
(Another nice GUI can be seen at http://ewp.homelinux.net/dttsp-shell/)

You probably also have to change the path to python if it is something
else that /usr/include/python

If you like I can make a tar out of the dttsp code I have, with the
above mentioned modifications.

A new version of the Linux code is said to be on its way.

73 de Lars, sm6rpz
Lars E. Pettersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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