Hello Fellow Flexers,

 We will be holding our third Software Defined Radio Linux User Group (SDRL=
UG) meeting this Thursday evening at 9:00 pm EDST (Friday, April 21 at 0100=
Z) on TeamSpeak.   =

   We will use a "roll call" format that is similar to the one used on the =
Friday night forum followed by an open discussion period.  In addition to b=
ringing us up to date on your current activities, please let the group know=
 about your experience with installing (or attempting to install) ubuntu.   =

  We will also have an update on the status of the next release of DttSP fo=
r Linux.
  One of the main objectives of this group is to attempt to provide somethi=
ng of interest for every level of expertise with Linux.   =

  See you Thursday or Friday depending upon what day of the week it is in y=
our time zone.


 Dan N4XWE





How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger=92s low  PC-to-Phone call ra=
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