Interesting thread on comp.arch newsgroup today...

>>See if anyone can figure this one out:
>>I have a colleague who is running a C program he wrote on a brand new
>>dell PC. The program involves reading and writing a lot of data across
>>the PCI interface to a peripheral card.
>>The strange thing is that his program runs markedly faster when he
>>opens Windows Media Player. I didn't believe him at first, but I've
>>seen the effect first hand. If there's enough interest I might see if
>>he's willing to measure the speed-up ratio.
>>Anyone able to think of what this might be? Educated speculation
>Timer interupt latency. Windows normally has a interrupt rate of 100Hz or or
>possibly 64Hz depending on the hardware time source (unless it's windows 98
>which is 200Hz). However this is dynamically variable via the MultiMedia
>Timer API. When you open Windows MediaPlayer it will increase the timer rate
>to 1000 or 1024Hz again depending on the time source.
>Exactly the same thing can be seen if you install the Quicktime and have it
>resident in the system tray even if you don't open the player.
>The increase in the timer rate will have some side effects with when things
>are reported back to the driver that is transfering data, how often the
>schedular is invoked and how long IOComplete might block for etc.
>I suspect that the application is performing lots of smallish transfers
>rather than a few huge ones otherwise you shouldn't see the effect.
>for a discussion of
>this and what a nightmare it is for keeping correct time in VMWare virtual

James Lux, P.E.
Spacecraft Radio Frequency Subsystems Group
Flight Communications Systems Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 161-213
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
tel: (818)354-2075
fax: (818)393-6875
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