
We have an impulse generator we have been moving at a glacial space 
towards utilizing.  This impulse generator will back out the entire 
chain, front end through A/D's with a few simple measurements since we 
can directly measure the impulse response.

It will come but not until after Dayton and some AMSAT stuff I am very 
late in delivering.


Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio wrote:

>Image rejection of 80dB+ is possible for a single point.  As you noted,
>the rejection will be best at that single point and will roll off away
>from that point.  I don't have any data for average image rejection at a
>given frequency away from the calibration point.  60dB sounds about
>right off the top of my head.
>Eric Wachsmann
>FlexRadio Systems

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(This sig required by my employer)

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