**replay of Sat night Flex announcement at Dayton**

Alan K2WS has a nice recording of last night's presentation at the 
Dayton 2006 Hamvention. He has graciously agreed to rebroadcast it on a 
special Flex Teamspeak channel at 21:00z today. That is at 4pm Central 
and 5pm Eastern time (others adjust as needed). Sign on to Teamspeak and 
look for the rebroadcast channel.

Teamspeak links:

Alan will spin the recording without comment. The channel is 
unmoderated. If you need to reach him, please send him a text message at 
the bottom of the channel or an email.

thanks Alan for this opportunity to listen again to Gerald's exciting 
announcement about the new "SDR-blade".

73's de ken n9vv

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