>From G3PLX:


Yes, this is what I have discovered the hard way. I was naively expecting 
the new 24-bit device to be 8 bits better than my old 16-bit card, but I 
have learnt that it isn't that simple.

But this latest discovery is not just about specmanship. There's something 
odd going on in the hardware which I can't quite work out, and I was hoping 
someone 'in the know' might explain it. Why is there a low-frequency noise 
in the lower bits superimposed on the main full-bandwidth signal in the 
higher bits.

By the way, I discovered why the bottom two bits were zero and I hadn't 
noticed it before. There's a '+12dB gain' button on the control panel. Guess 
what it does? Guess where I had it set the first time I checked?  It's not a 
12dB pre-amp, it's a 2-bit good-for-nothing left-shift!


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