The MDS is six meters is no better than it is on the lower bands (~128 
dBm on 20 meters) and is probably a little bit worse.    Six meter rigs 
with any serious intent need to have an MDS about 20 dB better than 
this.   This system is clearly intended to be used with external stuff, 
both an amplifier and a preamp.  On the other hand,  after I put the 
preamp in front of this rig,  it is the only I have used with a positive 


Dale Richardson wrote:

>I take back my last comments. I just tried your experiment and got the 
>same results. Listening to beacons there is a significant difference 
>between my FT-920 and the SDR. The FT-920 registers an S4-S5 while the 
>SDR is around -120dbm and barely audible in the noise. Same antenna 
>(6M7JHV at 66 ft). The SDR is almost deaf. One signal that was extremely 
>strong (S9 +10) was barely an S7 on the SDR. I tried several versions of 
>the SDR with same results. I had to run the AGC Max Gain gain up to 100 
>and then the signals are still weak.
>Dale AA5XE
>Scott Gordon wrote:
>>Question I was just tuning around on 6 meters since I see there is a
>>opening.  I have a coax switch where I can switch between my SDR and
>>Yaesu 857D.  I am hearing signals much better on my Yaesu then on the
>>SDR?  I mean maybe S6 on the yaesu and just barely hearing in the noise
>>on the SDR.
>>Do I have something set up incorrectly?  Even though it is 1 watt on
>>transmit I would think the receiver would match the Yaesu?
>>Scott Gordon

Robert W. McGwier, Ph.D.
Center for Communications Research
805 Bunn Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
(This sig required by my employer)

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