
I switched to pyhw.  I do hear something that sounds like cycling.

I played a wav file (ssb.wav from flex-radio) with xmms feeding qjackctl 
and then jsdr.
(On jack I connected alsa-pcm --> sdr-xxxx  &   sdr-xxxx --> alsa-pcm.)

I then started my sdr-1000 and shut down xmms.   I also started python and 

On pyhw I executed.
execfile("")     (with setDDSFreq(0.810)

On cmdr I executed.
setRXOn 0
setSampleRate 48000      (I am using a SB MP3+ USB soundcard)
setOsc 0
setFilter -3000 3000
setMode AM

I didn't hear anything interesting - just something that could be described 
as cycling at about 1 Hz.

Seems like I should have to do something with the qjackctl patch panel to 
connect up to the sdr-1000.   When I used it with the sdr-1000 it was set 
up the same as I had it with xmms.

I know I should just wait for the new code but this seems soooo close to 


Everett, KG6RYB

At 04:46 AM 5/29/2006, Robert McGwier wrote:
>Do you hear a noise at the output (speakers) that sounds like it is cycling?
>I used pyhw rather than pyhw2.
>We are well on our way to replace all of that with code that will talk to 
>all aspects of the radio including amplifier,  ATU, and transverter.
>Everett Palmer wrote:
>>Hi Ken,
>>I am basing the fact that it is possible to drive the SDR-1000 hardware 
>>from Linux on this post from Bob McGwier back in January.
>>"The Mini-ITX, running SUSE 9.3 carries Don Imus 660 AM every morning 
>>using SDR-1000 number 2 running jsdr, jack."
>>I am trying to use the code in the pyhw2 directory to control the 
>>SDR-1000 hardware over the parallel port.  I can issue commands and hear 
>>the relays click in the SDR-1000 but I have not been successful yet in 
>>receiving an AM radio station.   There is also another command line 
>>interface- cmdr - in the DttSP package but I think that this interface 
>>controls just the software - not the hardware.
>>One problem was that ubuntu on my system does not have 
>>/dev/parport0.   With some help from Bill on teamspeak and my linux guy 
>>at work I learned that you can create the port with either:
>>sudo modeprobe ppdev
>>sudo mknod /dev/parport0 c 99 0
>>I also did a
>>sudo chown epalmer:epalmer parport0
>>so I could drive the parallel port from my user account.
>>Everett, KG6RYB
>AMSAT VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
>Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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