Frank is almost done with his final touches to dttsp v2 Linux code which 
will primarily be a portaudio based program and should run immediately 
on Linux, OSX, and Windows (under mingw and probably cygwin).  I have a 
fair amount of work to do yet on the hardware code.  It must wait until 
I finish two AMSAT commitments that cannot wait but when done,  the 
Linux will be as completely functional with the hardware as PowerSDR.  
Transmit,  amplifier,  atu, etc. will all be enabled so these changes 
are major and we are determined they be done in a manner consistent with 
the philosophy we adopted before.  Sami and family/friends have allowed 
us full access to the USB adapter device.   Thanks to our Finnish brethren!

Eric has started version 2.0 development branch directory in the svn 
repository (empty as yet).  Expect to use the following FREE tools for 
the development of windows code in our reference implementations. 

Visual Studio 2005 Express

dttsp v2 using portaudio will be put into the version 2.0 tree as soon 
as it runs under gcc/mingw and Visual Studio 2005 Express. The languages 
in the beginning for our reference implementations for 2.0 will be 
C,C++,C#.  You will be able to use these free tools to do your own thing 
with our building blocks using Visual Basic, Java,  small talk, python, 
common lisp if that is what you want to do.   Expect things to be remote 
capable very early on (almost from the first).  Expect us to build this 
differently from before thanks to the constant guidance from Frank and 
the excellent example of Bob Cowdery's small talk experiences.    The 
official GUI will be nearly the last thing in the development after the 
entire infrastructure is built and functional.

For all of you CW users,  the keyer in version of PowerSDR (SVN 495) is 
by all accounts the best yet.  I began to wake up from the dim witted 
stupor I had been in for a while and cleaned up the UGLY memory barrier 
code.    The "phase error"  reports from WA6AHL and others was very real 
indeed.   When we cleaned up the code doing resets and other 
manipulations in the ring buffers for the main IF audio,  we made the 
same changes to the cwkeyer and VAC ring buffers.   We neglected to take 
into account the fact that we have yet another thread operating 
asynchronously and modifying the ring buffers in both the cwkeyer and 
VAC handlers.  In both cases,  we have been stepping on the ring buffer 
manipulations at random times around known critical moments.   In the cw 
keyer case,  this has been fixed. 

In SVN 495,  the VAC ringbuffer resets and ring buffer manipulations do 
not yet have all of the necessary protections.  This will be done 
probably on the weekend.  It is going to take a bit more work since C# 
does not have all of the Platform SDK tools and so these protections 
must be done in subroutine form in the C code.

Please check out the code on CW and give it a beating and complain about 
problems you find with the internal keyer.  We are still working on 
optimizing the external keyer operation.  Now that we have finally 
understood all of the issues involved, we are finally in a position to 
move forward with detailed measurements and adjustments.  Expect a 
stable release after these changes are studied and put to bed.


AMSAT VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL, TAPR, Packrats,
Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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