http://www.flex-radio.com/download_files/PowerSDR/Install/PowerSDR_v1.6.2.exe >


< http://flex-radio.com/forums/viewforum.php?f=24 >

Any bets if my links above are OK instead?

To have a link not break, for the widest variety of email programs do 
the following always.

Type "<" followed by two spaces and then ">" as shown here; <  >

Then you paste the link in-between the two spaces.

It's important to do it in exactly that order, some mail programs if 
the spaces and brackets are not in place will cause it to fail when 
added after the URL is typed.

Doing it that way you can have URLs that are over 10 lines long and 
they still work.

At 02:12 PM 6/23/2006, Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio wrote:
>Longer links were broken as usual ala Outlook.  Please visit
>www.flex-radio.com and click on the Downloads link for the program and
>the source.
>Eric Wachsmann
>FlexRadio Systems
> > -----Original Message-----
> > radio.biz] On Behalf Of Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio
> > Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 2:07 PM
> > Subject: [Flexradio] PowerSDR v1.6.2 Released - CW Improved / Click
> > DragAdded
> >
> > FlexRadio Systems is proud to announce the latest official release of
> > the PowerSDR software v1.6.2.  In this version there are two major
> > improvements to the software:
> >
> > 1. CW Performance
> > We have seen unanimous praise regarding the improvement in CW
> > performance in alpha test versions of this software.  The latency has
> > been reduced and optimized to the point that many high speed CW ops
> > now happy to use our internal keyer.  Semi break in performance is the
> > best we have seen with the SDR-1000 to date.  Interestingly, the
> > improvements in the transition latency affect all modes, so there are
> > other benefits of these improvements such as SSB monitor and digital
> > mode turnaround time.  Give it a try.
> >
> > 2. Click 'n' Drag
> > In an effort to continue to make the interface easier to use, we have
> > added click 'n' drag features to the display.  This allows the user to
> > click and drag both filter high/low cuts in transmit and receive.  A
> > great way to use this feature is when you are listening to a station
> > strong station transmits nearby causing interference inside your
> > passband, simply adjust the filter by dragging the filter edge on the
> > display so it no longer includes the offending signal.  This feature
> > also works to tune signals.  Just click on any signal in the passband
> > and drag it into your filter.  This can be used for fine tuning or
> > to scroll through the band with ease.  This is yet another feature
> > shows the power and versatility of a truly software defined radio.
> >
> >
> > As always, we would not be able to continue releasing quality software
> > without the sharing of ideas, testing, and bug reporting that our
> > faithful customers do for us.  We all benefit from your tireless work
> > and we want each and every one of you that contributed to know how
> > we appreciate you.  Thanks for helping make this radio better over
> >
> >
> > Eric Wachsmann
> > Director of Software Development
> > FlexRadio Systems
> >
> >
> > Software Download:
> > <
> >
> > 2.exe >
> >
> > Source Code Download:
> > <
> >
> > _Source.zip >
> >
> > Release Notes:
> > < http://flex-radio.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2042 >
> >
> > Up To Date Operating Manual:
> > < http://www.flex-radio.com/SDR-1000_Operating_Manual.pdf >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > FlexRadio mailing list
> > FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
> > http://mail.flex-radio.biz/mailman/listinfo/flexradio_flex-radio.biz
> > Archive Link: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
> > FlexRadio Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com
>FlexRadio mailing list
>Archive Link: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
>FlexRadio Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com

Cecil Bayona

"Windows, the most successful software virus ever" Don Seglio Batuna 

FlexRadio mailing list
Archive Link: http://www.mail-archive.com/flexradio%40flex-radio.biz/
FlexRadio Homepage: http://www.flex-radio.com

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