> Eric Wachsmann - FlexRadio wrote:

> All true.
> It is also true that I took a rather ordinary Celeron laptop and an
> Extigy to Belize last year and it worked very well under contest
> conditions (at the time, the Extigy was basically all we had).   Of
> course, we were the pursued, which didn't hurt.
> Still, after spending 1500 dollars or so on the SDR, scrimping on the
> sound card (which I have done) maybe isn't the thing to do, even as I am
> still doing that (on the lappy, at least).
> But, if that's where you balance out, you can do well.

A colleague reminded me that while my rig was in-line for the contest, the
actual lappy was not mine and was more powerful (1.8 GHz, real Pentium).

But, in tests before I went to Belize, my lappy did work well enough, if
not fabulously.  Perhaps it would not have worked superbly well in the
contest proper (my Celeron-based box does skip the odd bit of audio), but
even allowing for that, I think we could have "got by" with it if we had
to.  I just can't claim it.

In any case, it was the Extigy for the sound card on the lappy-based
station.  With "enough CPU" behind it, it did the job, inferior specs on
the sound card vis a vis better setups notwithstanding.

Larry  WO0Z

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