The Situation comprehensible.

I have a low increase MIC (15), no audio pop.
Enlarging importance of the increase MIC I hear pop.

The Probable reason - there is short mixed TX channel and RX channel
(difference of time of the switching or short penetration MONI?).
This possible hears in TUNE mode - a short tone, AM and FM mode - a short 
carrier frequency  ~11 kHz,
in SSB - a noise and signal Mic Preamp..

> The Strange events occur.
> I could not dispose of pop, using different parameter of the processing.
> However, today strange image pop to disappeared.
> DMA 512 
> AUDIO 512
> DSP 2048
> O`key, I have left its house for 2 hours, SDR1k continued to work in included 
> condition.
> The having Returned back has solved the house to spend time in airwaves.
> The Surprise, I have newly heard be audio pop.
> I can not find the explanation this.

> SDR1k 1W + Home Made PA
> PentiumD 4 2.8GHz, Delta44, WinXP Pro SP2

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