Hi Flexers!


I really don't think I 'over ordered' these really nice badges designed by
Beppe - IK3VIG, I just didn't have enough time to apply your callsigns at
Dayton or Fredrichschafen! I ended up with about 100 left and they are
absolutely great keepsakes for the greatest of radios and users!!! Now that
I have tons of time, I can focus on this project!







I will send these USPS *FOR FREE!*  to any Flexer who wants to wear them
with pride! Rather than do this in 'onsies and twosies' via e-mail I have
asked Dale - WA8SRA to create a section on Hamsdr which he has as always
willingly done! (!Thanks Dale!).


I'll mail the buttons when we reach 100 or in a 3 weeks whichever comes


To post your order go to:


HTTP://www.hamsdr.com/   >Projects>Dayton 'Flexer' Buttons and place your
order for a free button. If you are not a member please join this fine SDR
support website! 



This is a great free offer! Usually when you see Free in any message, it is
"What's the catch" not this time! 


While you are at the site, check your TAPR-HPSDR 'expression of interest' in
the coming circuit boards. (They won't be free but will be a Bargain at 2x
the price!)


Happy 5th!

Eric2 - AA4SW - V31SR!







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