I recently built a 3 watt stereo amp from Carl's Electronics 
(http://www.electronickits.com).  For $17.95, it's a very good deal.

I put it in a simple metal enclosure and got nice audio, but am still 
having some RF issues.  I'm now planning to repackage it in a Hammond 
box with bypassing on the I/O and -- I suspect this may be key -- 
transformer isolation on the inputs.


Radio Station W5AMI wrote:
> I wanted to ask the list members for a recommendation on an outboard
> audio amp to drive a pair of nice speakers that has proven to be
> resistant to RFI before I went out and bought something.  I have
> considered building a tube amp using a pair of 6V6's, or 6AQ5's in
> push-pull output, but after pricing some good inter-stage and P-P
> output xfmr's, I've had second thoughts.
> I really want something to give me the freq. response the SDR1K can
> deliver when I choose to listen in that mode.
> Good speaker suggestions are also very welcome.  My main concern is RF
> getting into the amp if I run the legal limit power.  Any suggestions
> or recommendations will be much appreciated.
> By the way, I'm using the Delta 44 on my Flex, but I figure most any
> consumer or pro level audio amp would work fine with the output on the
> D-44 with proper adustment from -10 to +4 dB in the M-Audio console.
> Brian / w5ami

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