> Can the VOX On/Off control be moved to a keyboard key
> instead of a checkbox under several menus?  This would
> make it easier to shut off VOX when someone walks into
> the shack.  Also is there a way to play wav files
> into the TX for contesting?  Love the SDR-1000 -  Best
> money I ever spent! 73 de AC5N
I agree with you on this.. I placed a Feature Request for this on the Bug
Tracker/Feature Request Syetem several weeks ago. Please look it up and then
add your comments from above. This way Flex knows that the Feature is being
requested by more than one Lone Wolf.

The Bug Track and Feature Request Board is a great system!  I always scan it
when I have a problem or have thought of a feature for the user interface.
Many times I find someone already has posted about the issue or feature.  If
you want to "cast your vote" they have a Blog system where you can enter
your thoughts on any particluar feature.

-Dan  K6KDK

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