At 12:03 PM 7/16/2006, Radio Station W5AMI wrote:
>I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me get digitized!  I am now
>up and running with PSK and RTTY.  PSK is really something.  Ran 1
>watt today on 80 meters and had a 100% reliable QSO with another ham
>about 20 miles from here.  Not bad for daytime on 80 meters.

It's that 30 Hz bandwidth that really helps.  Even at near 0dB SNR (in that 
BW), you can still get copy.   Figure the noise floor at the other end is 
something like -150 dBm (in the 30 Hz), and you're radiating +30 dBm.  Even 
with 180 dB path loss, you're still in there.  Even if the receive end is 
seeing 60 dB of noise over this, you've still got 120 dB of link loss to 
work with.

Use a mode with decent FEC like MFSK16 or Olivia and you even get decent 
copy through the static crashes.  but even on PSK31, the occasional garble 
is entirely acceptable.


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