On Wed, 2006-08-23 at 15:12 -0700, Jim Lux wrote:

> > > Is there any preliminary description of this development?
> >
> >Among the developers, yes.
> Would this description be suitable to see the light of day, or will we wait 
> for it to be revealed at some time in the future?

We will answer no whine before its time ;-)

> Would this conversion of the dsp core of the SDR1000 further imply that 
> PowerSDR will not use the C version of dttsp in future versions?  Is there 
> a schedule for when this might occur?

Pay attention, please. There is no planned conversion of the DSP core.
And we have nothing to say about PowerSDR. As far as new developements
go, it is EOL.

What is being developed is a *new* software facility, the radio kernel,
which implements the "virtual radio," namely, the interface between the
rest of the world, and the DSP and hardware modules. The DSP and
hardware modules will continue to be independent processes, as before,
and in their current language implementations. The new kernel will
likely be in erlang. Full implementations of erlang/OTP are already
available for all platforms. The kernel will run unchanged immediately
on all platforms.

UIs can be written in any language. Access to the kernel is
systematically provided either at the library level (for many languages)
or through standard system I/O facilities, through the erlang "ports"

As far as schedule is concerned, it will be released as it is finished.
If you want more of a commitment than that, then some investment on your
part (either monetary or sweat-equity) will be required.

I for one would love to see your fund of inventiveness expended on
helping with the project, rather than expatiating on reasons why you
shouldn't get involved, or why the developers have screwed up and
disappointed your expectations so far. The gross difficulties you
envision don't seem to have been obstacles for others who, if I may say,
have less immediate experience and wisdom in the field than you do.

> That is, should someone contemplating writing DSP code for integration with 
> PowerSDR struggle with  the existing C dttsp and the C# PowerSDR wrapper 
> (since they are quite intertwined)...

They are *not* quite intertwined, as is perfectly obvious to anybody
who's actually worked with the code, which is why I claim your estimate
of the situation is less than fully-informed. This situation hasn't
changed in over a year. Charges of instability are somewhat misplaced, I


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