I contacted W8JI, who is an expert on amps, and asked would the ALC 
have protected the amp for me when the coax connector failed. He said 
it would NOT have helped in my catastrophic situation.

So apparently the ALC line is of limited usefulness, and probably can 
be ignored without putting the amp at additional risk.

Jerry W4UK

At 16:22 8/24/2006, Jerry Flanders wrote:
>I recently asked a similar question, Jerry, and was told that guys
>running the SDR-1000 just don't use hardware ALC. Many who spoke up
>said they never had any problem.
>I once blew up the output circuit of an Amertron AL-1200 because it
>had no way to shut down the exciter when the antenna circuit
>developed an open due to a bad connection at a coax connector. I
>don't know that ALC would have helped me then, but I presume it would have.
>I suggest you contact those manufacturers and ask if ALC is useful to
>protect the amp in a catastrophic situation like mine.
>FYI - the Amp outputs a control ALC signal, the exciter reacts to it,
>reducing drive accordingly.
>Jerry W4UK
>At 16:00 8/24/2006, you wrote:
> >I'm considering linears from Ameritron (AL82) or an HF2000 from ROQ.
> >Both have inputs from an ALC output from the transceiver. SDR1000
> >has none. Is there a safe way to provide the ALC output to properly
> >run linears?
> >   Jerry

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