Ken - N9VV escribió:
> Isn't it **COOL** that you can have multiple software installations and 
> use any one of them any time you choose!! Each rev is unique and can be 
> installed totally separate from another.
> I don't recall seeing that from any vendor of Ham equipment in the past 
> 45 years!! Can you imagine Microsoft giving you several different 
> windows revisions just because each one suits a unique preference?
> I agree with Jeff KA5MIR - we sure are lucky to be in Ham Radio at the 
> right time.
> de ken n9vv

I agree with Ken about the multiple installations.  I only find a little 
problem: the memory table.
I understant that this part of the radio is not used by many and also is 
a low priority item in the development, but if  the "path" to this table 
were configurable, it could be shared between the co-resident versions 
and so it could be updated from any of them..

73 de Ignacio, EB4APL

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