Build a simple crystal or LC oscillator fom the ARRL handbook.

Tom Thompson   W0IVJ

Jim Lux wrote:

>At 12:02 PM 9/14/2006, Tim Ellison wrote:
>> Eric said:
>>No typo here.  It is useful to have a stronger signal than -73dBm when
>>doing the image calibration.
>>So anyone have a good recommendation for a stable signal generator that
>>won't break the bank?
>I assume the Elecraft unit has a pad to get the level down to sub 
>nanowatt levels?  Why not remove or change the pads.
>There are a fair number of inexpensive quiet oscillators out 
>there.  If you aren't concerned about frequency accuracy, then any of 
>the inexpensive low jitter clock oscillator modules would work.  You 
>can follow it with a pad, a LC BPF, and a pad.  Minicircuits sells 
>inexpensive IF filters for, e.g. 10.7 MHz, and they do quite nicely 
>for removing harmonics from a 10MHz source.
>If you want good frequency accuracy, low phase noise, and a bunch of 
>power, what about a 10 MHz OCXO from someone like Wenzel or surplus 
>HP/Agilent unit.
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