For those folks not set up to solder surface mount, there are people on the
list that will solder up boards for people (and test them). I for one will
if you include a self addressed and postage paid mailer. So don't let the
fact that you don't have the equipment or time or do not want to invest in a
setup, keep you from being in on the fun! That invitation stands for anyone
on the list if you need one of Elecrafts mini kits or anything else just
email me.

On 9/25/06 4:56 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Larry,
> [snip]
>> Thought this might interest you,
>> 73 de Joe - AB1DO
> It does indeed.  I subscribed to the reflector for a while, but gave up
> because I'm just not a solder jockey (I went so far as to buy the
> backplane, but so far, sans parts on my end).
> We'll see about the enclosure part of it.  It has to not only fit in the
> bottom of my carryon, it has to survive whatever forces can be reasonably
> expected to occur in a plane ride.
> In short, I'm looking for something to DXpedition with.  It's starting to
> be part of my interests and I really don't particularly like leaving the
> SDR 1000 at home.  But, I am, albeit not quite for these reasons this
> time.  Still, my _wife_ is happy I'm doing so.  She views the current box'
> transport as a lot of added complexity.  We generally pack very tightly on
> trips.
> However, I can see myself looking for something like this.  I will want
> service and support, too, though, so I guess that's why I put my plea in
> here.  I have no recent experience of TAPR, so I can't say anything good
> or bad there.  I can certainly vouch (as so many of us can) for Flex'
> quality of servicing what they sell.
> Besides, I really can almost imagine my suggestion being implemented as a
> replacement board for the 2 meter transverter.  The existing main flex
> board wouldn't even have to change much (mostly, get rid of the 1/4 "
> plugs and accept control lines from the new card instead of the parallel
> port) and probably the RFE and Power Amp boards not at all.  DOn't know
> about the ATU, don't own it.
> But, in my setup anyway, if the "PC" and D/A A/D part can fit in or about
> the size of the existing 2m card, it would actually work for the
> replacement of two boards, also provided there are no "noise/grounding"
> problems passing the required signals back and forth between the cards.
> If.
> Ah, well, a guy can dream.
> Anyway, let me know when there's an assembled option for what you're all
> up to.  I'll certainly consider it.  But, I must confess, if there's a
> hope of getting the Flex version (especially, a real dream here, as a
> retrofit), I'm all over it.
> Larry WO0Z
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