Here is the setup.
Athlon AMD 64x2 w/ 2 gig memory.  Windows XP.  Delta 44 soundcard.
Parallel port. Mode = CW   Keying via SDR.  
Software = 1.6.2 or SVN 693  
Sampling = 96k or 48k.
DMA Buffer = 256 or 512
Audio Buffer size = 256 or 512
DSP Buffer = 2048 or 1024
Process priority = normal, above normal, high or real time

Here is the problem:
Sudden click is heard in the SDR1000 rig and the panadapter shows all signals 
have disappeared.
No power out w/  transmit or tune.
Returns to normal, by toggling to standby then back to on.  My lights are not 
blinking.  Seems random and not related to anything I am doing, as occurred 
while sitting here reading my latest issue of QST.

I have tried all variations of those parameters noted above.
Happens if Console is running alone or if other programs are running.
My parallel port says allow no interrupts.

Any clues or suggestions.  I hve searched the knowledge base and the reflector, 
but haven't found solution to this problem.

What say you?  Tnx.


PS If my name/call seem familiar this is not my first request for help.  All my 
previous transmit problems have been solved w/ a new IC chip.  Also my firebox 
may have been bad as well, it is off to be checked out by Presonus.

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