I don't think he meant 'problems' as in defects or bugs... I think he
mean 'problems' as in interesting challenges.

73 Phil N8VB

On 10/3/06, Lee A Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Real Problems?
> I don't have any "Real Problems"  I get on every day
> and make as many contacts as I want.  I run the radio
> on CW, SSB, digital modes, and as a an IF for my VHF
> transverters.  I run high power and low power.  I get
> good reports on my signal's quality.  I have no
> problems.  I have a lot of fun.
> There are enhancements that are added to my experience
> (like the second receiver) that I surely enjoy, and
> occasionally the alpha code has something broken, but
> that is the nature of alpha code.  It is not a
> "problem".  In fact I am amazed at how well the alpha
> code works, and how rapidly it is fixed when it does
> break.  Part of that is the fact that every piece of
> alpha code is so rapidly and thoroughly tested by the
> user base and the responsiveness of the software
> engineers to the feedback.  I think it is a model of
> collaboration and community, which I call a solution
> and not a problem.
> I have an Orion which has had one update in a year and
> a half, that is what I consider a problem.
> 73  W9OY
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