I had real good luck with the T4 Radio Works Line Isolators (page 7 of 
their catalog http://www.radioworks.com/Catalog2006web.pdf). I am sure 
there are others that would work fine too.
de ken n9vv

Jim, W4ATK wrote:
>       Actually, there is not much in the Flex-Radio SDR-1000 for the rf to get
> to. I have found that the computer system and its peripherals, mouse,
> keyboard etc. have been the major culprits. I had to relocate the 40M
> antenna away from the shack in another more distant part of the attic to
> keep my Athlon confuser from going into standy when running the full 100W on
> CW. I was using an external tuner and had rf isolators in all the feedlines
> along with feritte beads on the mouse and keyboard cables. RFI elimination
> is trial and error.
> 73 Jim, W4ATK

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