I see in the Knowledge Base we have recommendations for optimizing 
SDR-1000 performance on several modes, but CW is NOT one of them.

Can anyone recommend an optimum configuration for a newbie setting up 
for CW? I am using a Delta 44 and either a Sempron 3000+ or a 2.9 GHz P4.


        I presume there is a tradeoff to be made between minimizing latency 
and optimum RX CW filter shape - what filter settings are good?

        I would hope to use PowerSDR's internal CW keyer, but would an 
external keyer improve performance?

        Full QSK at at least 20-25WPM would be the goal - unattainable, of 
course, but how close can we get in terms of the minimum T/R turnaround time?

        Does soundcard choice (Edirol FA-66 vs Delta44) make a difference 
with CW to improve T/R turnaround time?


Jerry W4UK

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