Hi all, thanks to the clues and suggestions from those who responded I 
have my audio popping problem solved.

I found that by turning off the SDR display the popping disappeared. 
Then I realized that the popping occurred at the rate of the display 
refresh..turn up the refresh, the popping increased, turn down the 
refresh and the popping decreased. Ah..must be a video related problem!

Well, Windows indicated no conflicts between my video and audio cards. 
Each were on their own IRQ, 19 for the soundcard and 16 for the video.

So I started playing with my BIOS settings. After I turned off "AGP
Fast Refresh" the popping disappeared! Several reboots later all seems 
to be fine. Guess I don't need "AGP Fast Refresh", I'm not into games.

Thanks all for your help and suggestions,
Jerry Sharp, KD0GS

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