At 12:19 PM 10/28/2006, A.R.S. -  W5AMI wrote:
>One thought on this to anyone thinking about scanning "ranges" of
>frequencies, in particular, the higher bands such as 20 meters +:
>Spurs will stop the scan every time one is encountered.  This will
>tend to get worse the higher in freq. you go.  If you only want to
>scan certain preset frequencies, it will perform much better.

>At this point, I would much rather see Flex fix the spur issues than
>put ANY thought to scanning!  So with that, I wonder how close Eric
>and Bob are getting toward resolving the spur issues?  Sure would like
>to get an update on that.

I don't know that there is a solution for reducing the spurs.  All 
DDSes have spurs (although they're pretty far down.. -70dBc to -80 
dBc would be typical).  They are predictable in position and 
magnitude.  There is also a clever technique that's been proposed 
(and implemented in at least one DDS) that runs a second NCO in 
parallel which generates only the spurs and subtracts them.  But that 
would be a different radio, not some software fix or hardware mod to 
the SDR1000.

Here's a link to good analysis by Martin Pechanec:

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