I've been seeing a similar effect even though I can get the image
rejection panel to behave correctly. What seems particularly strange is
that the phantom images appear _below_ the received signal.

        Chris - AE6VK

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Lux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, November 25, 2006 6:30 AM
To: John Bryson; flexradio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Double rx image on pan scope power sdr-1000

At 02:28 PM 11/24/2006, John Bryson wrote:
>All of a sudden I'm getting double image signals on the scope.
>Example: if I tune in wwv in the passband at 15.000mhz I will also see
>the same sig at about 14.977mhz with equal strenth.

Sounds like either the I or Q (left or right) isn't getting through.

>  calibrating the image rejection
>funtion has no effect at all. I tried manually with sig gen but has no
>When tuning in sigs, they seem to jump several khz up or down.

That's because of the spur reduction.  The DDS actually tunes in 
steps, with the "fine tuning" done in software on the I/Q data from 
the radio.  We all talk about an 11 kHz IF, but in reality, it varies

>When I tune up in freq, the image will go down in freq. and vise-versa
>I replaced line in cable.... no change

Hmm.. that's the usual problem.

>Ran both versions v.1.6.2 and 1.6.3 ... no change
>Sound card is the delta-44.
>Windows -xphome
>GOt any tips for me on this problem?

Jim, W6RMK 

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