Has anybody else experience a disconnect between SDR and HRD?
        Running Athlon 64x2 w/ 2 gig memory.  Windows XP.
        Any version of SDR 1.6.3 thru SVN 750. 
        Parallel connection (also happens w/ USB).
           CW mode.  Keying via SDR unit or via COM port.
          Happens when running any process priority.
          Latest version of HRD.
SDR will be operating perfectly and when occasionally switch to HRD to 
log QSO, I will notice the mode has changed to "TOR."
HRD will no longer track frequency and changes in HRD frequency will not 
affect SDR.
Only way to get it back to connection is to go into SDR uncheck CAT then 
recheck it and HRD will agn show CW for the mode
and track frequency correctly.
Tried switching from SDR 1000 to one of the Kenwood rig emulations ... 
same thing.
This may happen several times in one evening of operation or only once.
Does not matter what other programs might be running or not.
It is only a minor inconvenience, but any suggestions?

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