Robert McGwier wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Don:
> Thanks.
> I am writing a few page article at the request of the League on SDR for 
> publication in QST in my position as chair of the SDR group.   You can 
> help me with a couple of ideas.  Please send me a private email with a 
> one liner that goes and please limit your thinking to amateur radio 
> since this is amateur radio's premier publication in the U.S.A.
> We should be able to do ?????????  with SDR that could not  easily  be 
> done before now.
> or
> We should be able to do a much better job of ??????? with SDR than we 
> have been able to do heretofore. 
> 73's
> Bob
> N4HY

I'm not sure if the request for the "one liner" was directed to me or
the list(s), but I would encourage anyone who can help Bob out to do so
with his request for private email to him directly.  I am rather hard
pressed to figure out a single spectacular task or feature.

Don AE5K

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