I totally agree but my other point is that perhaps the XG-1 may be
defective. I want accurate readings just like everyone else but the
readings are so radically different that I want to make sure the test
instrument is not causing the discrepancy. I know of another local ham
who told me he has an XG-1 so I'll see if his readings concur with mine.
I'll report back with my findings.

Your responses have been very helpful.


Edwin Marzan

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Ellison [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:24 PM
To: Marzan, Edwin; FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] S - Meter Emulation


This thread has been on the reflector before.  The SDR-1000 is reading
the actual signal coming from the antenna.  Once calibrated it is VERY

I have an XG-1 and it aligns nicely with my 756 Pro II.

BTW, the previous thread also posed the question of making the S-meter
more like traditional rig - less accurate.  This option was
overwhelmingly vetoed by the Reflector users.  This is one of the things
that separates the SDR from traditional radios - the S meter was done

Integrated Technical Services

"Si fractum non sit, id reficere"
-Unknown Roman consultant

-----Original Message-----

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