All good points, it is my hope this will help all of amateur radio, I 
too believe that many will go on to learn code and this I hope will 
bring more young people into SDR, digital and all of amateur radio.
To every one on the list: May your holidays be bright and safe and you 
new year be prosperous.

John Basilotto wrote:
> Bob, well said.  Happy holidays.
> John P. Basilotto 
> W5GI
> Marketing and Product Manager
> FlexRadio Systems
> 512 535-5266
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Robert McGwier
> Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2006 10:56 AM
> Cc: Flex Radio Reflector
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] [Fwd: ARLB030 FCC to Drop Morse Testing for All
> Amateur License Classes]
> Frank and I are at GnuRadio Hackfest.  I doubt anyone who knows us would 
> categorize us as anything but techno-geeks.  We are constantly looking 
> at the lastest technology (we are about to have an OFDM system running 
> in GnuRadio for example) that could be of benefit to amateur radio in 
> particular and communications in general.  That said,  though we both 
> support this decision,  we are die hard CW users.  Almost without 
> exception,  when we sit down in front of a radio in either of our 
> homes,  the first thing either of us  touches is the paddle.  
> That said,  I believe the FCC has done a thing they think will help save 
> amateur radio.  That they would attempt this is surprising since they 
> could have just as easily made everyone do 20 wpm and killed the hobby 
> for sure and then auctioned off the spectrum.  I hope they are right and 
> this succeeds.  We must stop having our population grow one year older 
> per year.  This is a prescription for utter disaster.  The other 
> prescription for disaster is to sit on our backsides and fail to recruit 
> new people, as many as we can that are under 30 years old, into our 
> hobby.  Software Radio, Cognitive Radio, and other high tech toys are 
> good tools to use to recruit interesting your people.  USE THEM.
> It is up to each of us in the US to use this opportunity to do all we 
> can do for our hobby.
> May 2007 be a great year for Software Radio in particular and amateur 
> radio in general.
> Bob
> N4HY
> KE5EUP wrote:
>> -
>> SB QST @ ARL $ARLB030
>> ARLB030 FCC to Drop Morse Testing for All Amateur License Classes
>> ZCZC AG30
>> QST de W1AW  
>> ARRL Bulletin 30  ARLB030
>> >From ARRL Headquarters  
>> Newington CT  December 16, 2006
>> To all radio amateurs 
>> ARLB030 FCC to Drop Morse Testing for All Amateur License Classes

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