Here is a message I just got from another reflector.  Since the only
people that have reported hearing these recently on 80 meters,
including myself, are relatively close to the southern border, it
could be coming from Mexico, and quite possibly unlicensed, drug
smugglers, etc., as the signals are fairly weak to further disguise
their intent.

I know this is getting "off-topic" now, and will refrain from posting
any more of my blabbering ;)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gary Schafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Dec 19, 2006 11:40 AM
Subject: RE: [AMRadio] Odd signals in lower 80 meters
To: Discussion of AM Radio in the Amateur Service <>

I haven't listened on 80 for those signals but I have heard similar to what
you describe in the past. A few years ago there were several companies
selling scramblers that inverted the audio. A lot of them went into South
America and were used by people for their "private" radio networks. I would
guess many were not licensed users.

You can not decode it by switching side bands. It is simply done by mixing
the speech with an audio tone and everything comes out upside down. The high
frequencies come out as low frequencies and the low frequencies come out at
high frequencies and they are offset by the mixing tone frequency. If you
listen carefully you can make out a word once in awhile.

Gary  K4FMX

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