Posting this for Brian K7RE as he is having trouble getting his message on
the reflector.  Please respond to the list or to him directly at bkassel AT
dakotablue DOT net.





I am a brand new Flexer.  After a long battle with old Murphy, I am
thoroughly enjoying the radio.  Everything works wonderfully, except that I
am experiencing what I can only describe as "hits" to the waterfall in any
digital mode program that I attempt to use.  These hits occur every 3-5
seconds, and manifest themselves as horizontal lines across the waterfall
display of  the digital program, *NOT* the waterfall of the Power SDR


I have the following setup conditions:


PC: XP Home SP2 2 GHZ. Celeron 512 MB Memory (I know, kind of a minimal
system right now)


I am using the special SDR-USB adapter on the Parallel port of the SDR-1000


I am using VAC 4.03.


I have tried both Digipan 2.0 and MixW 2.16b7 ( Registered).


I am using Power SDR Version 1.6.2.


Interestingly, even if I don't bring up Power SDR  both Digipan and MixW
still experience these hits.

I suspect that polling of the SDR-USB adapter combined with the VAC are
somehow causing these hits.


On the other hand, it could very possibly have nothing to do with the


I have no real parallel port available for use on this particular PC.


I also have a another, non-SDR USB-Serial adapter plugged into one of the
USB ports on the PC for another radio, but am not using it, although I am
pretty sure that it is still active, and being polled.


No USB hubs are used, only direct USB ports from the motherboard of the PC.


Other than the hits, everything appears to work normally, the VAC 4.03 is
really neat, and saves a slot, additional sound card etc., as explained on
the VAC Web page.


I can copy the digital signals OK until a hit occurs at the same instant
when  a character is being received.


Has anyone successfully used the SDR-USB device with the VAC 4.03?


Perhaps the SDR-USB has nothing to do with the symptoms I am experiencing.


I have attempted to change various parameters as suggested on the VAC

4.03 Web page,

but no change whatsoever occurs in the symptoms.


Any Ideas?


I get the Flex-Radio Reflector in the Digest mode, so please copy me
directly on any replies.


Also I will be leaving tomorrow for the Holidays, and won't be able to reply
until I return on 12-26


Happy Holidays to all, especially to the hard working folks at Flex-Radio!


Brian K7RE





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