Larry wrote:

>Bob, you're one dummy that we couldn't do without! Thanks
>The only question I have about it is ... does it follow that the rolloff 
>would get better with a slower sampling rate? It was originally noticed with 
>the Edirol card in the 192 khz sample rate setting and when the sample rate 
>was changed back to 96 khz, the problem wouldn't dissappear but would get 
>noticeably better. The problem was not present with the D-44 card.  I would 
>think that the problem that you describe might not behave that way, but I am 
>a MUCH bigger dummy than you!
>--Larry W8ER
Larry and Bob,
I don't think that "dummy" as I find it defined on the WEB applies to 
Bob or you:

Definitions of *dummy* on the Web:

    * A term used to describe the preliminary assemblage of copy and art
      elements to be reproduced in the desired finished product; also
      called a comp.
    * a mock-up made to resemble the final printed product which uses
      the proposed grade, weight, finish and colour of paper.
    * A mock-up of the book, used by salesmen in the late 19th and early
      20th century to show prospective buyers what the book would look
      like. It usually had a title page, 10 or 20 pages of text, and
      then blank pages to fill out the rest of the binding.
    * A preliminary layout showing the position of illustrations and
      text as they are to appear in the final reproduction. A set of
      blank pages made up in advance to show the size, shape, form and
      general style of a piece of printing.
    * Slang term for the trustee in an undisclosed trust situation where
      a nominee holds legal title of property for an unnamed principal.
    * A sample of a proposed job made up with the actual materials and
      cut to the correct size to show bulk, style of binding, etc. Also
      a complete layout of a job showing position of type matter and
      illustrations, margins etc.
    * Page or set of pages assembled in the exact position, form and
      style desired for the finished piece of printed work. Used as a
      model or sample for the printer.
    * 1. Declarer’s partner. He becomes dummy when the opening lead is
    * A rough mock-up of a book that usually shows where all front
      matter, text and illustrations, and back matter will appear. Some
      dummies include actual sketches and images.
    * A rough layout of assembled work for a brochure or other printed
    * A layout showing the size, shape, form and general style of a
      piece of printing.
    * In a regression analysis, a dummy (or dummy variable) is used to
      capture an explanatory variable that is either on (with a value of
      one) or off (zero). For example, in a gravity equation, the
      coefficient on a common-language dummy would measure the effect on
      trade flow between two countries of their sharing a common language.
    * hand drawn schematic of what the page will look like in print.
      Usually for children's picture books.
    * A block shelved in place of a book, bearing a label showing that
      the book is shelved elsewhere. The dummy bears the author, title,
      and call number of the book it replaces, as well as the location.
    * A small, detailed page diagram showing where all elements go.
    * A life-size doll representing a human passenger and containing
      sensors and measuring instruments for crash tests. Eurosid, US-sid
      and biosid dummies are particularly suited to side-on crash tests;
      Eurosid was developed for the European standard, the others for US
    * A three dimensional model. It is a mock up generally used to
      figure out a pagination sequence in multi page printing. A folded
      up piece of paper with page numbers written on it.
    * When a player without the ball moves toward the goal to draw
    * A blank version of a book or booklet made from the paper stocks
      specified in order to demonstrate binding, weight, and size of the
      finished item.
    * A line drawing on paper of a page showing where the ads have been
    * An unprinted mock-up of a book or catalog. A dummy is made of the
      same paper stocks that will be used in the finished piece, and
      serves as a reference for the client, designer, printer, mailing
      house or distributor.
    * A cathode in a plating solution that is not to be used after
      plating; often used for removal or decomposition of impurities.
    * Declarer's partner. The boring seat.
    * blank sheets of paper cut and folded to size to represent a
      brochure, flyer, leaflet; helpful for indicating weight, shape,
      size, feel and general appearance.
    * A fictitious name with a real address, placed in a mailing list
      for monitoring purposes (also Decoy).
    * a person who does not talk
    * dumbbell: an ignorant or foolish person
    * a figure representing the human form
    * having the appearance of being real but lacking capacity to
      function; "a dummy corporation"
    * blank: a cartridge containing an explosive charge but no bullet
    * make a dummy of; "dummy up the books that are to be published"
    * Dummy, released in 1994, was the debut album of the Bristol-based
      group Portishead. Building on the promise of their earlier EP,
      "Numb", it helped to cement the reputation of Bristol as the
      capital of "trip hop", a nascent genre which was then often
      referred to simply as "the Bristol sound". ...

and Bob,

I don't think "STUPID" as I find it applies to you:

Definitions of *"stupid"* on the Web:

    * lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity
    * dazed: in a state of mental numbness especially as resulting from
      shock; "he had a dazed expression on his face"; "lay
      semiconscious, stunned (or stupefied) by the blow"; "was stupid
      from fatigue"
    * a person who is not very bright; "The economy, stupid!"
    * unintelligent: lacking intelligence; "a dull job with lazy and
      unintelligent co-workers"
    * Stupidity is the quality or condition of being stupid, or lacking
      intelligence. This quality can be attributed to both an individual
      himself (John Smith is stupid) or his actions, words or beliefs
      (John Smith's policies are stupid). The determination of who is
      stupid is difficult, despite attempts to measure intelligence (and
      thus stupidity) such as IQ tests.
    * Stupid is a punk rock quartet based in Brooklyn, New York. Stupid
      is unusual in that it is fronted with an accordion. The band
      members are Dana Ehrlich (vocals, accordion, maracas, keyboard),
      Byrd (bass, guitar, vocals), Matthew Bixby (guitar, bass, vocals)
      and Benjamin Hoyumpa (drums). Stupid currently has one EP and one
      self-titled album released, though the EP is now rather hard to
      come by. In early 2004, the band was involved in a car accident in
      New Jersey. ...
    * Ke bare (Is) Hand, with palm towards gesturer, moves diagonally
      downwards across the face.
    * A self-descriptive philosophy that's supposed to remind us to
      "eschew obfuscation" but is easier to understand!

Don't sweat the small stuff, guys. I am glad the 'small mistake' was 
found and fixed. SDR-1000 is still the best radio in town. I can hear 
stuff that I never heard before I got the SDR. Now if I only had an 
antenna that is a few dB better than my "Dummy" load, perhaps I could 
also be heard.

73, Chuck AA5J

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