
I do not find this unusual at all.  I often find that by organizing my 
thoughts enough to ask the question I often answer it myself and usually 
it is after I have submitted the question to others.  If I could go back 
and count the "never minds",  it would be worth quite a bit of 
bandwidth.   I love peer review.  Others hate it but this phenomenon 
sold me on transparency and openness ages ago after I worked for years 
under a different set of rules.  It just works.


Army Curtis - AE5P wrote:
> It never seems to fail. As soon as I get to what I think is a deadend, and
> break down and send a question to a forum, I manage to work things out on my
> own. I have a new LP-100 microprocessor wattmeter ( )
> which will very accurately indicate true PEP output power up to 54 MHz. I
> hooked that up to the output of the 50 MHz amplifier, and then into a dummy
> load. I found that there is indeed very good correlation between the steady
> state output levels using the tone signal generator built into the SDR
> software, and the peak power levels from transmitting speech in SSB. So, it
> looks like using the built in signal generator function is the correct
> approach to setting RF levels on transmit.
> I've set up some compression and compandor levels per the KB, but am very
> much open to further suggestions. Will be doing a series of "on-air" tests
> with a friend of mine locally to get some feedback on audio quality as these
> parameters are varied.
> When I get all finished with this little project (assuming everything works
> in the field during the January VHF contest), I'll try and write something
> up on what I've done, and how I've done it in the hopes it may help someone
> else do much the same. As others on here have noted, this has got to be one
> of the finest radios available today, and it just keeps getting better.
> 73,
> Army Curtis - AE5P
> Nacogdoches, the oldest town in Texas

AMSAT Director and VP Engineering. Member: ARRL, AMSAT-DL,
"If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the
corridor in the other direction. " - Dietrich Bonhoffer

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