For the record, I actually am a fan of Java.  However, I am NOT a fan of
developing a Java GUI (having done this in the past).  I'm sure the tools
have improved over the last few years since I last worked with a Java GUI,
but back then it was about as easy as Visual C++ GUIs before Windows Forms

Personally, I would love to use a GUI development language/tool that was not
wrapped up in the Microsoft hoopla, but there is just no denying that the
Visual Studio IDE + Windows Forms makes GUI development nice.  Nicer than
anything else I've used to date.  Intellisense, break points with watches,
immediate function calls while debugging, etc are really hard to live
without once you have had them.  The downside (besides it being Microsoft
and thus tied to the hoopla) is the massive amount of auto-generated code to
build the forms.  They addressed this partially by using another separate
file for the auto-generated stuff in VS2005, but it is still excessive in my

I suspect that other tools will (or have already) surpassed Visual Studio in
these terms (GUI development), but I have yet to use one.  Eclipse is still
on my list of downloaded, but not yet tried tools.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -----Original Message-----
>] On Behalf Of KD5NWA
> Sent: Tuesday, January 02, 2007 1:37 PM
> To: FlexRadio
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] [hpsdr] D anyone?
...the major player "programmers" are
> not fans of Java...

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