> > Christopher T. Day wrote:
> >> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> >>
> >> Of course, there is always Java, which not only compiles across
> >> platforms but whose executables really do run across platforms. But that
> >> would be too easy.
> >>
> >>
> >>      Chris - AE6VK
> >>
> >>
> >
> > Actually it's not easy, Java has a huge learning curve due to it's
> > massive libraries. So you would be placing considerable limits on who
> > could help. And even more important the major player "programmers" are
> > not fans of Java, and it's important to keep them happy.
> >
> > The current choice C# is not a bad choice, better than Java or C++.
> >
> >
> Let me get your argument straight.  Java is "bad" because of its huge
> library, but C#, which has 35 to 50 million lines of code of Microsoft
> APIs behind it is. . .good?
> Java, with a few fits and starts, is well on its way to being open
> sourced.  Perhaps for that reason alone its worth another, fresh look.  We
> just had a cow thanks to some hiccup (yet to be fully proved) from Vista.
> If Java really fulfills its newly minted promise to do real GPL, we'll
> have something C# will never seriously give us.  Which is, a product that
> can never be changed adversely or withdrawn altogether.
> And, in any case, as far as I can tell, the performance sensitive code is
> going to stay in C regardless, so this is all about the presentation code
> anyway, isn't it?  That runs at human speed.
> Larry  WO0Z
> PS, if you're going to argue we can subset C#, that argument applies
> equally well to Java.  But, the main arguments at this stage may not be
> technical.

I did not mean to start a language war by posting the link to D.

Really, the person/people who get to decide what languages (and
operating systems) are used are the ones who get off their A**es, stop
talking about it, and DO it (get coding)... LOL...

73 de Phil N8VB

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