Robert McGwier wrote:
> Ignacio:
> I am sorry you are having a problem with it.  I just put the code on 
> my signal generator (8640B).   I tested every buffer size,  audio and 
> dsp, with and without polyphase display.  The results were identical 
> to the tenth dB on the meter and the same pixel on the display.   Are 
> you using the Blkharris window?
> Setup->DSP->Window == Blkharris
> Then recalibrate.
> 73's
> Bob

Hi Bob,
I ´ll try to describe what I see:

The window  selected is always Blkharris.
I inject a -30 dBm signal from my generator (worse than yours, but it 
doesn´t matter here) and proceed to calibrate.
I observe the calibration steps and I see how the procedure adjusts the 
level for each preamp setting.  The adjustment makes the graphical level 
to increase until it reach -30 dBm, both in the spectrum an in the 
figures below it, and then switches to the next preamp setting and 
proceeds in the same way. 
When the procedure ends every reading is coherent unless the polyphase 
was on.  In that case the spectrum jumps  3 dB up.
I doesn´t make any diference if the calibration is done with the 
polyphase switched on or off, because its effect happens just  after the 
calibration.  Once the calibration is done, everything agrees if the 
polyphase is off, and 3 dB high with the polyphase on.   The signal 
meter shows the right figures in either setting.
This is independent of the sampling rate and the number of buffers (this 
was not true prior svn 802).  In this release the problem appeared to be 
solved, but it happend again in svn 803.

I hope this can give you some clues.
73  and thank you for your efforts.

Ignacio, EB4APL

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