----- Original Message ----- 

> ... when it gets right down to it, Windows is more of a
> "Presentation Manager" than a real operating system, and so, very UI
> centric, not OS services centric.

Windows NT / 2K / XP / VISTA is based on OpenVMS, if you look at the way the 
operating system is designed you will see this.


For more background Google for Windows, VMS and Dave Cutler.


" And now...the rest of the story: I'll take you on a short tour of NT's 
lineage, which leads back to Digital and its VMS OS. Most of NT's lead 
developers, including VMS's chief architect, came from Digital, and their 
background heavily influenced NT's development."

VMS was and IMHO still is the finest server system available today.

I also used RSTS with the PDP-11, started with punched cards and paper tape!

Simon Brown, HB9DRV 

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