> What DSP buffer size are you using?  You will need to use the largest DSP
> Buffer size for optimal brickwall narrow filters.  I know what you are
> talking about though.  It's like the signal is getting washed out due to
> the
> filter being too narrow.

I have always adjusted for the sharpest filters the software allows,
including the largest DSP filter size.  I'd have to look at home, but I
believe I have always used 2048.  If we ever enabled 4096, I suppose I'd
give that a try!

What I've observed is not the signal getting washed out. I would not
describe it that way, anyhow.  It's more like it the DX is surrounded by
an incompetent, nearly on-frequency pileup, where no one knows how to send
real CW.

Larry  WO0Z

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