> There is no reason why you could not have the Linux box interfaced to
> a physical front panel so everything outside the box looks like a
> conventional radio.  Booting from Flash is not problem for Linux so
> you could do without the mechanical hard drive.  There would be no
> need to network the radio unless you wanted to ( some do ).
> The one problem with this approach is it is power hungry in portable
> battery powered uses.  This is a place where I would expect Lyle's
> approach would shine (with a QSD/PLL LO based radio... high speed ADCs
> are still very power hungry).
> Phil N8VB


My vision of this thing was always minimal -- basically, the thing turned
the incoming radio signal into bits, and no more, and everything that
mattered happened outboard.  Doing it that way presumably could be done
with a lower component count and a lower power budget.  With or without
Linux -- I don't care about that, though it's nice to know it can boot
fast from flash.

I don't care about a front panel, either, though I suppose it could be
done.  Actually, I probably don't want it, because I'm likely to have a
laptop along anyway (and all _its_ battery problems), so multiplying power
needs by having a full base-station level of power consumption works
against the things I choose not to do with my SDR of today.

The thing I most want to see out of a new SDR is not the Second System
Effect (where the second project is way bigger than the first and, by the
way, often overreaches), but something that keeps the _hardware_ simple
and therefore flexible, and yet makes it all much more portable, less
wire-ridden and overall more robust and transportable/portable.  That is,
USB in/out of the AD/DA streams and otherwise the same inputs and outputs
all the other rigs have with as good as or better robustness than they

The software complexity, in my view, belongs upstream.  We just need to
define some sort of bytes in / bytes out that we can be sure Windows, in
particular, won't ever mess with and which is easily understood by those
who wish to deal with them.

What's being described here is starting to look like a base station only
radio.  For my interests, at least, that's not progress.  If that's what
it is, I'll just keep what I have now.  I don't plan on a Vista upgrade
soon anyhow -- I'm always a trailing adopter.

Moreover, as the response to the "1 watt discontinue" shows, I'm not the
only one thinking along more minimal lines unless it is all VHFers doing
the complaining.

Larry  WO0Z

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