
That is an excellent idea, and the application extends beyond the ham bands.
I know I'd make regular use of the slider to chase down and identify
parallel outlets in the broadcast band, such as the multiple NHK and NHK2
(Japan) frequencies, or the Aussie ABC national/regional stations. On a good
morning they pop up all over the dial when DXing from the Washington coast.
I hear the stronger ones from home, but it takes the coastal location and a
Beverage or K9AY to get them by the dozens. 

Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joe - AB1DO
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2007 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Sub RX toggle Key and Sub RX Volume

Here's an alternative idea. How about a single slider that "distributes" the

AF between Sub and Main RX. Kind of like an audio balance slider, but 
instead of balancing between L and R, balance between Sub and Main. Assuming

equally strong Sub and Main RX signals, then:
- Slide all the way to Main and you only hear Main
- Slide all the way to Sub and you only hear Sub
- Slide half way between Sub and Main and both are equally loud.

Obviously, if Sub and Main have different signal strengths, then the "mid 
point" will be more towards the weaker of the two.

Just a thought,

73 de Joe - AB1DO

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