At 03:25 PM 1/5/2007, Don AE5K wrote:
>Philip Covington wrote:
>Betcha you didn't know this:
>"The software from Flex-Radio (Power SDR) is available free of charge.
>It is Public Domain Software, ..."

So the folks at kd-elektronik need a bit of education on the 
difference between copyrighted and GPLed software versus "public domain".

They're not the only ones.

But, of course, this is one advantage of open source, GPL, etc.  It 
fosters the development of compatible hardware.  Not that I think 
their work is wonderful..It's a bit too "knock-off"y for my taste.  I 
would have preferred them to develop an improved interface and then 
develop the needed I/O driver routines and release those with an 
appropriate GPL-like license.   You could then compile PowerSDR with 
the new routines...

Although, I don't know.  Does PowerSDR provide a user interface (a'la 
hamlib) to select the interface?  I don't think so.  I think it would 
need to be a recompile.

Jim, W6RMK

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