> Dale,
> I also submitted a tuneable notch filter to the enhancement list a
> few months ago.  The way I envision it working is much the same way
> it works in MixW,  Right click on an unwanted signal.  A drop down
> box has as a selection: ADD NOTCH FILTER. Click on this.  You can add
> other notch filters at other frequencies too.  They are pretty
> narrow; I add two for a Pactor II signal or a RTTY signal.  These
> notch filters are very effective in MixW for the digital modes but
> don't do anything for you on SSB.

Long ago and far away, before we had the external list, and probably
before this reflector was established, I proposed a notch filter that
worked on a "drag and drop" basis.  It would stay on the frequency that
the notch was deposited on.  The scroll wheel could be used, if need be,
to widen it up.

The original listing had pictures which may or may not still show up if we
could find the thread, which (I think) would have appeared on the original
Flex web site.

Larry  WO0Z

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