Answers inline below.  Let us know if you have further questions.

Eric Wachsmann
FlexRadio Systems

> -----Original Message-----
>] On Behalf Of FireBrick
> Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2007 7:34 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Flexradio] Somethings I don't understand
> I presently have a Yaesu ft1000mp. I run a software program that does my
> logging, rig control, antenna azimuth etc.
> The interface is a microHAM keyer.
> It provides me numerous com ports via a USB hardware and virtual comports
> system.
> It's time to think about another rig.
> I'm considereing the SDR.
> My operating is 80% DXing via cw/digital presently FSK rtty and PSK.
> I also contest, mostly cw and rtty.
> I OCCASIONALLY make a few SSB qsos.
> I do not believe that the microHAM keyer directly supports the SDR.
> As my new Dell computer only has 1 comport, no printer ports and an Audigy
> soundcard, I'm unsure how I would duplicate my now present fully automatic
> station. But it is a 3.2mHz machine with lots of ram.
> I realize that to utilize the SDR fully would require a sound card
> upgrade.
> I also utilize DXLab's WinWarbler for PSK, which also uses MMTTY engine
> for
> FSK rtty.
> Full automation is a requirement for RTTY contesting. (I use Writelog)
> I also don't wish to learn a new software program for logging/rig control.
> So questions.
> Does SDR emulate the coding of a major rig so my present software could
> continue?

[Eric] Yes.  We can emulate several of the Kenwood models such as the

> Does SDR accept virtual comports such as the microHAM keyer provides.

[Eric] The PowerSDR software has no concept of whether a COM port is virtual
or actual hardware.  We recommend using N8VB's vCOM software (available on
our knowledge base) which allows easy configuration of virtual COM ports
that can talk to each other via software.

> My Yaesu VL 1000 amp, has a internal tuner which I would like continue
> using
> for DXing. 100 watts in for 1kw out (I cut back for FSK/PSK).

[Eric] I'm not familiar with that particular amp.  But you should be able to
figure out fairly quickly whether it will work with our radio by taking a
look at the Ch. 4 in our Operating Manual (also available on our knowledge

> So what issues would I run into???

[Eric] You would likely want to get one of our supported soundcards and
either our USB Adapter or a PCI LPT port to control the radio.  I can't
imagine not being able to at least duplicate if not exceed the automation
that you have presently for digital modes.

> I'm hoping the SDR will fill the bill.
> Bill H. in Chicagoland
> webcams at
> weather at

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