At 01:11 PM 1/11/2007, Eric Wachsmann wrote:
>Right now it is limited to just the filter (much like our entire display
>used to be).  The long term plan is to enable the full width display for all
>modes (not just spectrum).  So Waterfall, Histogram, etc will have modes
>similar to the current panadapter.  All of that is coming, but it is looking
>more and more like it will come in the next version of the console.

and, architecturally, what you probably want is some sort of 
waterfall display module to which you pipe spectral data.

There are some tricky aspects to waterfall displays and the UI 
connected with them.  For instance, if you tune around the band, do 
you move the entire display so that the currently tuned frequency is 
in the middle?

And, of course, you have to keep track of where the DDS is tuned vs 
the software demodulator is tuned, because the "center frequency" of 
the FFT output moves with the DDS, not with the current tuning 
frequency (because of spur reduction)

And, then, there are all the usual graphics related issues for 
waterfall displays (level to color mapping, vertical or horizontal, 
scaling , etc.) particularly what you do when you change some thing 
(if I change the RF gain of the radio, do I compensate for that in 
the waterfall, or do I just show it as the signals being stronger 
now...)  I prefer having calibrated displays.. that is, the display 
is always in "true" levels, just like a real spectrum analyzer, but 
there are good reasons why you might not want to do it that 
way.  But, for instance, if you change the dB/color mapping, do you 
do it for the whole waterfall, or just from the point of change.

Jim, W6RMK 

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