My experience with N1MM and both the Orion and the
SDR-1000 is using K1EL's winkey gives the best
experience.  The problem is that N1MM works in the
virtual realm and has very choppy timing when used
with the Orion or the SDR.  Winkey acts as a buffer
and sends perfect code to something like 99 wpm.  I
have both the USB version and the serial port version.
 The USB version of winkey has better overall
functionality.  I use winkey as my day to day keyer as
well since it allows 2 rigs to be connected to the
keyer and you can switch rigs from the paddle  by a
software command.  It also allows spacing to be
adjusted in small sub dit increments so you can make
your memories sound exactly how you like.  If your
call ended in ii for example you can put just a touch
of extra spacing between the i's and make them more

I found that if you use N1MM in a contest with the SDR
you have to shut off Quick QSY in the general/Options
tab of the setup menu.  I would probably also shut off
the keyboard commands as well since N1MM basically
does all the work.  I used Kenwood TS-2000 emulation
in the SDR-1000 setup.

73  W9OY 

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